Mix 04 – Habits over Goals

I was a little under the weather last weekend, so I was bummed that I didn’t really feel up to mixing.  But over the course of the week, I had a discussion with my boss on why he didn’t value goals.  His belief was that it leads people down the path of short term wins as opposed to establish a winning culture.  This article captures the idea:  https://www.farnamstreetblog.com/2017/06/habits-vs-goals/

So, I’m making this mix in that spirit.  I’ll keep experimenting and learning.  And maybe just one day, I’ll be good at this 🙂

I tried again to use an effect.  And twice I used a ‘slam’ transition where I instantly shift focus from one track to another (though I do let the new track fade in in the background).  The coolest things is that I range from 60 bpm to 135 bpm.  There is a definite shift in mood within the 10 minutes of the mix.
