I love, Love, LOVE The-Dream. But I’ve found his music hard to mix. His latest album, ‘Genesis’ isn’t exactly great, but I really dig the track ‘Virtuous’. It definitely has the vibe of being tortured by love and desire; as do the rest of the track in this mix. The BPMs of the 3 tracks are similar as well at about 100, but jumping from eclectic pop/R&B to two fairly dissimilar House/EDM track proved challenging. Overall, I think the sound is fairly smooth, but there isn’t a lot of play between the tracks.
The title of this mix is based on another thing I’ve got going on. I’m going on a dietary, ‘cut’ next week. This is all in preparation for a vacation in about 6 weeks, but is an attempt to kickstart a generally more health pattern of eating. Hopefully my appetite won’t be tortured by the loss of processed carbs as these artists are with feelings for their respective significant others.