The idea for this mix has been floating around in my head for a while. I’ve heard of DJs adding tracks to a mix that are just a beat to help transition between two big tracks that they want to play. I’m not sure what the technical term for these transition tracks are, but I’ve started referring to them as mix meat or just meat. The concept of this mix was a mix where all of the tracks are just meat.
It took me a while to put this together. Last weekend, I had Anthem and Music Sounds Better With You. But I couldn’t find a good third track. I ‘dug into my crates’ of tracks that I wanted to mix, but nothing seemed to flow. I downloaded a bunch of new tracks too, but still nothing. Ultimately, I found Pick Up on Sunday, but ran out of time to mix.
I’ve kinda had a DJing vibe going on this morning, so the concepts of this mix pretty much just flowed. Anthem is really the anchor. Having the extended version gave me a lot to play with. I start by move back and forth between two points in its intro before playing a second copy. Next I mixed in Music Sound Better With You, only to go back to Anthem where the track left off when mixed out. Later I mix in Pick Up, but the exit to the mix is mixing back in the intro of Anthem and doing a fade out. What was kinda cool for me with the outro was I made a 16 bar phrase where 1) I mix in Anthem for 4 bars, 2) play both for 4 bars, 3) fade out Pick Up for 4 bars, and 4) end by fading out Anthem for 4 bars. Likewise, the intro was an 8 bar phrase I created. So, kinda cool to use some musical techniques when mixing.