Mix 40 – Atendido Style

This is the first mix I have named after a DJ. The mix is called Atendido Style after DJ Carlo Atendido; Youtube star and two time DJ champion. I did so because I am a fan, his video tutorials have been helpful in general, and and one in particular was the motivation of this mix.

In working to be less scripted and more in the moment, I have oscillated a lot between focusing on mixing by ear and perfecting the use of cue points. Recently, DJ Carlo Atendido posted this video where he broke down a simple way set cue points. The idea is to set one in the intro, end of chorus, and outro. His trick is to do it 8 bars from the end of that section as it is a consistently good amount of time to transition (I have used it a lot). So, I used the technique for this mix.

I made a pretty simple 3 track mix. And I deviated from the technique in the 2nd transition. Win Win used 32 bars for its chorus and outro. I found that a 16 bar transition from its outro to Don’t Give Up On Me‘s intro (and starting from the beginning of the latter) sounded best.

Moving forward, my cue pointing will incorporate this timing and color coding based on number of bars available for transitioning (4, 8 16) that I saw from a different video from another DJ. A key point in mixing the two DJs track preparation techniques is that there really isn’t a right way. So, my progression will be to figure out what works best for me.
