Mix 46 – Patience Persistence

One of the challenges I now face when mixing is a feeling that it should just come together easily. That if I have three tracks, they’ll sound perfect together. That I’ll easily be able to identify the best points to mix in; and the best way to do so via EQs or effects. I think part of that is life pressures of time. I hope that DJing will alway be a fun escape from reality, but forget that it is a skill that requires practice.

I found myself in that predicament today. I had the three tracks, but it wasn’t immediately coming together. So, I paused and decided to focus on the mix instead of trying to just rush through it. Doing so allowed me to accept that this was not going to be quick. So, I might as well try a few things. In doing so, I’m pretty excited about what I came up with. I beat jumped to skip a verse in When It Comes To You that I wasn’t exactly in love with. In transitioning into SeeSaw, I manually tapped in the beat vs. just lining up the bars. In transitioning in Let It Be Me, I found a vocal section I really like and played with a couple of ways to loop it. Then, I tried a few ways to blend it into SeeSaw. Heck, I even tried a few effects before setting on echoing out of the mix. In the process of doing this, I got to just enjoy the process rather than worry about the results. And, the result is something that I’m pretty fond of.
