Early in 2017, I decided that I wanted to build a creative skill. After kicking around a few ideas, DJing captured my interest. So, after watching a few tutorials, over Labor Day weekend 2017, I bought a 2 channel controller off craigslist and started to play.
Over the course of the last year I have enjoyed learning about the art, skill, and culture of DJing; and making mixes along the way! For my 2nd year, I want to start focusing more on skills development over recording mixes. So I anticipate my cadence of recording will drop off. As such, I figured now is a good time to share out what I have been doing.
Most of my mixes are some form of electronic dance mixes; so mostly clean. The R&B/Hip-Hop mixes uncensored. This page contains a playlist so you can listen here or download the tracks as mp3s.
Download: https://1drv.ms/u/s!Ao6e4vZ1St6tka84oNvIKeNR1oJ5Mg